To report a student in Years 7 -11 absent from school:
Please email: or call 01992 661456 option 1.
To report a student in Years 12 & 13 absent from school:
Please email: or call 01992 661456 option 4.
Absence from school
Notification must be provided by parents or carers for all absences from school on a daily basis. Every half day absence from school has to be classified by the school as authorised or unauthorised. The decision as to whether to authorise the absence rests with the school. This is why information about the cause of any absence is always needed.
Sickness and Diarrhoea
It is vital that all students are in school by 8:23am to enable form time and lessons to start promptly. If a student is not in school by 8:23am, they will automatically be issued with a 45-minute detention after school the following day. We monitor lateness on a daily basis and repeated lateness will result in a meeting with parents at school. Unfortunately, lateness is sometimes down to parents dropping students off late. Please support your child's learning by leaving home slightly earlier to get them here on time. The school site is open from 7:30am.
Attendance Policy
Please click below:
Goffs Academy Attendance Policy.pdf
Research has established a very clear link between good attendance at school and good achievement and progress in tests and examinations.
As part of the drive to improve attendance at school, the Government require that parents avoid term-time holidays whenever possible. Ten days absence for a family holiday can result in students with poor attendance becoming persistent absentees. Studies show that students who are in the persistent absentee category are much less likely to succeed in school than those who are not.
Schools have been advised that they can only approve absence for family holidays if they consider that there are special reasons which warrant the holiday. We ask parents to note that we will not approve any application for term-time holiday. Holiday prices and the fact that parents have booked a holiday before checking with the school are not special reasons. If a holiday is taken without approval, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.
If you feel there are exceptional circumstances that mean you have to withdraw your child from the school you must make a formal application in writing in advance for the attention of the Attendance Officer.
If you wish to notify us that your child is going to be absent, please call the school on 01992 661456.
As always, we are sure that we can rely on your support in helping your child to be successful at Goffs Academy
Thank you for your support.