Goffs Local Academy Board

The Goffs Local Academy Board (LAB), plays a key role in providing a link between the school and the Board of Trustees.  The LAB meets every half term, acting as a 'critical friend' to the school's Principal and Leadership Team, with regard to a wide range of areas.

The committee focus on Pastoral matters, and has oversight of the tracking data and raising achievement work across all key stages.  The LAB also maintains close links with Heads of Department, to support with quality assuring work in those departments.

The agenda and minutes for each Local Academy Board will be available to the public, on request, once approved by the Chair.  Until formal approval (with appropriate amendments, if any) at the next meeting, any minutes provided must be understood as being subject to amendment.  Copy minutes made available to a member of the public will usually have redacted any information relating to individual employees (including teachers), prospective employees, students and prospective students.  This will include any information from which the Trust believes that the individual could be identified.  All other confidential information will also be redacted.  What might amount to confidential information will be dependent upon the state of affairs at the time of the request and consideration of issues relating to confidentiality can be time consuming.  Therefore, if a member of the public wishes to see only those parts of the minutes which relate to a particular topic, it would be helpful for this to be stated in the request.

LAB Member Biographies

Golda Thompson: is a Finance Analyst with a BEng in Electronic Engineering & an MSc in Accounting & Financial Management.  Career experiences include The Metropolitan Police Service (professionally and voluntarily as a Special Constable), and various companies in IT and Retail Sectors.  As a member of the Goffs LAB, Golda has a keen interest in strategic analysis, and how the findings can assist in providing an environment for all stakeholders at Goffs Academy to achieve excellence.  A mother of three children, with one in attendance at Goffs, she seeks to encourage and support the inclusion, development, and academic progress of all children.

Savvas Efthimiou: has a background predominately in the IT industry within the financial sector and is also the Chairperson for the Parent Committee of the Greek School operating out of Goffs Academy building on Saturdays.  As a member of the Goffs LAB and with one child attending the Academy, Savvas relishes the opportunity to work with staff and contribute to raising performance and helping ensure our students achieve their potential both academically and creatively.

Kacey Brown: Internal Auditor and Chartered Accountant since 2004 with experience undertaking internal and external audits, alongside risk management and project assurance as a Head of Internal Audit for a large London based Housing Association. Problem identification and resolution is a very satisfying element of my role alongside building strong working relationships. Passionate about the local community, having been a Cub Scout Leader, and a Primary School Governor. I expanded my educational knowledge within the Secondary Education Sector in 2018 being appointed a member of the Goffs-Churchgate Local Academy Board for a four year term, and appointed as Trustee/Director of the Trust in March 2019 with membership of Standards and Achievement, Resources and Workforce Committees, and Goffs Local Academy Board.

Debbie Hughes: Debbie has over 25 years of experience in higher education. In her current position at London Business School, she takes a leading role in supporting faculty in their research and teaching through the development and delivery of the department’s strategic plan. This involves a clear understanding of academic processes and policies, to ensure that both academics and staff are compliant with internal and external regulations and uphold academic standards. She is passionate about education and strongly believes that every child should be enabled to thrive at school and beyond.

Debbie has volunteered in the youth sector of the local community for many years, initially within Scouting and for the past seven years, as manager of a local youth football team. She is also a keen distance runner who has completed more than 20 marathons and ultra-marathons.

John Littlefair: Content to follow

Owen White: Chair of the Goffs LAB and Trustee. On sabbatical and currently inactive.
Owen has been a School Governor in other educational settings for over 10 years.  Owen has previously served on the Governing Body for Northaw C of E Primary before joining Goffs Primary School Governors in 2013, becoming Chair in April 2016, and is proud to work with such a committed group of staff and volunteers.  Initially, Owen became a Governor to give something back to the community and more recently he is driven to help to ensure that our children and staff strive towards providing all children with the opportunity to achieve their potential academically, socially and physically in a caring and well-ordered environment where each child can thrive and develop a sense of responsibility and worth. Owen recently joined the Goffs Local Academy Board to offer his help when and where needed.  He currently works as the Chief of Staff in a National Technology Programme role and has lived in the local area for over 20 years. Owen's family consists of his wife, their teenage daughter and four dogs.